| 1. | The amended article 27 provides that decisions of the security council on procedural matters shall be made by an affirmative vote of nine members . 经修订的第二十七条规定:安全理事会关于程序事项的决定,必须有九个理事国的赞成票才能做出。 |
| 2. | General policy and procedural matters (有关政府采购的一般政策 |
| 3. | Procedural matters recommendations from public works subcommittee and establishment subcommittee 工务小组委员会及人事编制小组委员会的建议 |
| 4. | Tehran ' s representative at the international atomic energy agency said the meeting was postponed because of " a procedural matter . 德黑兰派驻国际原子能机构的代表说,这次会晤由于程序原因推迟。 |
| 5. | Upon receipt of information that serious accidents or casualties have happened to hong kong residents , to notify relatives of the parties concerned in hong kong and to give advice on the related procedural matters 收到港人遭遇严重意外或伤亡的消息,将情况通知当事人在港的亲属,并就有关的程序事宜提供谘询意见。 |
| 6. | Upon receipt of information that serious accidents or casualties have happened to hong kong residents , to notify relatives of the parties concerned in hong kong and to give advice on the related procedural matters 收到港人遭遇严重意外或伤亡的消息,将情况通知当事人在港的亲属,并就有关的程序事宜提供谘询意见。 |
| 7. | The defence spared no chance to challenge us , including points of the legal argument , our ways of carrying out the investigation , procedural matters and the evidence given by witnesses . it was a really hard time 当时,在法庭上污点证人的口供面对很严峻的考验,被告聘了一位退休高级警务人员在庭听审,专门去看我们的调查工作有否漏洞,辩方律师也不放过任何可质疑我们的机会。 |